Title Insurance
Travelers Title LLC – We Protect Your Assets
While our title searches are very thorough, there can be hidden issues that could impact your claim to ownership such as:
- Forged signatures
- Unknown heir(s) who claim ownership of the property
- An expired or forged power of attorney used during a property transfer
- An incorrect public record
Title insurance is your policy of protection against a loss if a claim is made against your ownership. At Travelers Title LLC, we provide title insurance for property owners and lenders throughout the great state of Wisconsin through our underwriters, First American Corporation and Stewart Title Guaranty Company.
These companies have both been in business for more than a century, and thoroughly understand the mortgage transaction process in Wisconsin. These underwriters assume the risk for the title insurance as no one wants surprises during a real estate transaction.
Owners Policy
Owner’s title insurance lasts as long as the policyholder or his or her heirs have an interest in the property.
Lenders Policy
Lenders require the Borrower to purchase title insurance to protect the Lender’s financial investment in the property. A lender’s policy insures that the mortgage is valid and the lien priority is correct. In addition, title insurance is required for lenders who package and sell their loans on the secondary mortgage market.
Letter Report
Need a check up to see if anything has changed on your title? A letter report is a great source of information. This is a complete title search; however, no insurance is offered. This is a report for informational purposes only.
These reports are very useful particularly if you have experienced life changes such as a partner’s death, divorce, bankruptcy, or any other title transfer. In some cases, the required documents have not been accurately recorded, which can cause significant delays and/or prohibit a seller from providing clear a title to a buyer.
A letter report provides “peace of mind” for owners and lenders.